Attendance Rate

  • About this dashboard


    All dashboards include four years of data with aggregate level visualizations. Many dashboards can be sorted by division and school level views with filters on subgroups ranging from grade level, gender, race/ethnicity, program participation and more.


    Dashboard Definitions


    Attendance Rate (Overall Tab)

    Represents the percentage of K-12 students attendance. The information may be filtered by school year, division, school, grade-level, gender, ethnicity, and student program. 


    Attendance by Subgroup

    Each chart represents the percentage of student's attendance rate and can be filtered by the selections provided on the dashboard: school year, division, school, grade level, gender, race/ethnicity, or program. The “All Students” program filter selection includes all students regardless of their program participation. 


    Attendance Rate by School

    Current school year represents year to date (YTD) attendance rate.
    Home schools and special schools are excluded from the data set. Attendance rate is calculated for students in grades K-12.

    Attendance rate by school and year

    Current school year represents year to date (YTD) attendance rate.
    Home schools and special schools are excluded from the data set. Attendance rate is calculated for students in grades K-12.

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