Current Student Enrollment

  • About this Dashboard


    Current Enrollment Map

    This view represents the number of currently enrolled students by primary school of enrollment. The tooltip information includes number of primary and part-time enrolled students at each school. Data can be filtered by division, school and home language. The two color legends represent school division and U.S. Housing length of residence (average in years) for population based on U.S. census informationOverallEnrollment

    Current Enrollment by school

    This view represents the number of currently enrolled students where the school is indicated as the primary school of enrollment. The tooltip information includes number of primary and part-time enrolled students at each school.

    Data can be filtered by grade level and home language.


    Current Enrollment by Program

    Each chart displays the number of currently enrolled students by gender, race/ethnicity, grade level or student program participation. The number represents the student count by primary school of enrollment. Data can be filtered by the selections provided on the dashboard: division, school, home language, gender, grade level, race/ethnicity, or program. The “All Students” program filter selection includes all students regardless of their program participation.


    Current enrollment by home language

    This view represents the number of primary enrolled students by home language. Data can be filtered by division, school, gender, race/ethnicity, grade level or program.



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