- Anchorage School District
- Assessment
- mClass Parent Connect Web Guide
ASD mClass Results ParentConnect Guide
Where do I access my child’s mClass results in ParentConnect?
mClass assessment results are located in the Assessment Results section of ParentConnect. Select the “+“ sign to expand the section.
What do my child’s mClass results mean?
mClass is one of the Anchorage School District’s benchmark assessments and is administered each Fall, Winter, and Spring to K-3 students. Students are assessed in several Early Literacy skill areas which produce an overall composite score as follows:
- 1:1 assessments
- Kindergarten – Letter Names, Phonemic Awareness, Decoding, Word Reading
- 1st Grade – Letter Names, Phonemic Awareness, Decoding, Word Reading, Oral Reading Fluency
- 2nd Grade – Decoding, Word Reading, Oral Reading Fluency
- 3rd Grade - Decoding, Word Reading, Oral Reading Fluency
- Computer-Based Assessments
- Kindergarten – n/a
- 1st Grade – n/a
- 2nd Grade – Comprehension, Vocabulary
- 3rd Grade – Comprehension, Vocabulary
Screening scores provide a data snapshot that is used to support identification of students who are at-risk and in need of interventions and/or enrichment or acceleration. The assessments measure early literacy skills in grades K-3. The results are used to measure learning status and growth within the school year.
The following sample report shows what mClass results look like in Parent Connect. The example is labeled with the letters, A through J. The letters correspond to specific information about mClass results, which is provided on the following pages. Please contact your child’s principal, teacher, or counselor for more support with mClass results.
A. Test
This is the assessment name, mClass.
B. Season
The Season is the time of year or the window when the assessment was taken. mClass Seasons (Windows) are Fall, Winter, and Spring.
C. Date Taken
This is the date a student takes the assessment during the fall, winter, or spring season or window.
D. Grade
This is the student’s grade level on test day.
E. Sub Test
This is the name of the measure. Measures are listed on page one by season and grade level.
F. Score
This is the student’s overall score on the assessment.
Composite Score (K-3 Early Literacy Screening)
G. Percentile
The student's percentile rank is the percentage of students who had a score less than or equal to this score as observed in the mClass norms study. This allows the student to be compared to similar students across the nation who took mClass during the same season or window.
H. Risk
Click here to read about Risk Levels
I. Semester Growth
The student’s growth from Fall to Winter will be displayed with the Winter results. Students must have a Fall and Winter score to generate this growth descriptor. Student growth from Winter to Spring will be displayed with the Spring results. Students must have a Winter and Spring score to generate this growth descriptor.
J. Year Growth
The student’s growth from Fall to Spring will be displayed with the Spring results. Students must have a Fall and Spring score to generate this growth descriptor.
For further support in understanding your child's mClass results, please contact your child's school.
- 1:1 assessments