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    AK STAR Alaska Science Assessment Logo


  • Please review the Assessment and Survey Calendar for specific assessment information by grade level and dates of administration.


    About AK STAR and the Alaska Science Assessment

    The Alaska System of Academic Readiness (AK STAR) and the Alaska Science Assessment are computer-based, state-required assessments administered to students in Grades 3-9 (English language arts and mathematics) and grades 5, 8 and 10 (science) each spring during the state-designated testing window.  AK STAR and the Alaska Science Assessment are aligned to the Alaska State Standards and provide students with the opportunity to show their understanding of important skills in these content areas at their grade level.  More information is provided on the Alaska Department of Education (DEED) websites for each assessment:


    Test Administration

    AK STAR and the Alaska Science Assessment are untimed with the estimated testing times varying by grade level and content area.  A general assessment overview and approximate testing times and ASD's recommended minimum test session length are outlined here:


    Student readiness resources are available to help prepare students for AK STAR and the Alaska Science Assessment.  Practice Tests and Tutorials are designed to provide students with a hands-on opportunity to experience the test environment and are available to students, educators, parents and the community.



    Results for AK STAR and the Alaska Science Assessments are generally reported each fall.  Additional support resources for Parents and Guardians, including how to access their child's scores in ParentConnect, assessment Parent Guides and links to supplementary support documents are located on the Parent Connect Assessment Results & Interpretive Guides section of the ASD Assessment website.  Please see the additional list of Frequently Asked Questions provided below.

ASD FAQs - AK STAR, Alaska Science Assessment and DLM Alternate Assessment Score Reporting

  • How/When will parents receive AK STAR and Alaska Science Assessment or Alternate Assessment results?

  • How are the School-Level results reported?

  • How are the Student-Level results reported and what do the scores mean?

  • What do the stars mean on the Alaska Science Assessment Student-Level results under Reporting Category Performance?

  • How do the AK STAR scores align to MAP Growth Benchmark Scores?

  • What about proficiency? Are these pass/fail assessments?

  • Looking for additional AK STAR and Alaska Science Assessment score reporting resources?