Kindergarten Round-up

  • Ready to register your child for Kindergarten?

    The information below will help get you started.



      • When to register

        Children must be five years old on or before September 1 to be enrolled in kindergarten.

        If a family is moving into the district from another state and the child is not yet five, but was enrolled in a public school where they came from, then the child can be enrolled at an ASD school. Being enrolled in any other kind of school in Anchorage (private, parochial, etc.) does not qualify a child to be enrolled here and he/she will need to meet the age criteria. 

        Note: Pre-Enrollment for Kindergarten opens on July 15, 2024. 


        Kindergarten families need to wait until after July 15 to apply for Free and Reduced Lunch for the 2024-25 school year.

      Required Documents

      • Required documents

        • Proof of residency, such as a utility or phone bill, contract of purchase or lease agreement.
        • Current official record of immunization due by the first day of school:
          • Diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus
          • Polio
          • Measles, mumps and rubella
          • Hepatitis A
          • Hepatitis B
          • Varicella (two doses are required for K-6)
        • Birth certificate for kindergarten and first-grade students

        In addition to the documents required for all students, parents should also bring:

        • Names and phone numbers of emergency contacts and individuals who may pick up the child from school
        • Copies of legal papers if there is a custody situation

        All students transferring into the district will receive a health screening by a school nurse within 90 days to meet the physical examination requirement.

        Preschool: All children attending an ASD preschool are required to register and be immunized. Students may register but will not be allowed to attend classes until the shot record is on file.

        Registration forms


        • ASD enrollment form: Student and contact information is used to contact parents/guardians in an emergency.
        • Release and disclosure of directory information form: Tells the district what information may or may not be released about your student.
        • Survey permission form: Tells the district whether or not your student can participate in certain school surveys.
        • Media release form: Used to grant parent/ guardian permission for use of student information, photos, images, etc. for use in media projects.


        Other forms that may be required for your child:

        • Internet agreement for students
        • Health forms
        • Migrant education survey
        • English Language Learners survey
        • Free and reduced meals application form
        • Optional student accident and health insurance
        • Title VI Indian Education eligibility

      Fall Orientation

      • Family Connection Meetings:

        During the delayed start week, kindergarten teachers meet with families and students to welcome them to school and talk about each child’s strengths and needs.


        Kindergarten Academy:

        Each school hosts two to three opportunities for kindergarten students to come to school and learn in the classroom for an abbreviated class session during the delayed start week. These sessions allow children and families to practice school routines and responsibilities like pick-up/drop off, packing for school, and saying goodbye before the full day of the kindergarten program begins.

      • YAAAAAAAA!!!!