Team: Kincaid Elementary School Life Skills Team


The Kincaid Life Skills team provides services to our most vulnerable population of students. Working as paraprofessionals and teachers in this program is challenging work. Care often includes feeding, changing, lifting, moving, and assisted communication. It requires an amazing amount of patience, support, and teamwork. This team was nominated by Kincaid Elementary Principal Wendy Zorea to recognize their tremendous team effort. Principal Zorea’s nomination emphasized this team as dedicated and reliable. When teachers or paraprofessionals are out due to illness or when positions are vacant, the whole team steps up to do the extra work. Kincaid has had two unfilled paraprofessional positions open most of the school year. The Kincaid Life Skills team pulls together every day to provide the best services to their students. They are frequently heard asking how they might help or assist one another. While it can be easy to complain about the situation regarding staffing and extra work, this team continues to be a positive influence on the overall school climate.


In addition to working collaboratively to support the intensive needs of this student population, they have worked alongside their general education colleagues to provide inclusive opportunities for students in the Life Skills program. This year, every student in the Life Skills program was assigned to a general education classroom. Paraprofessionals supported the students in Life Skills to attend field trips, special classroom activities, and school assemblies.

The team was instrumental in supporting the school’s goal to improve inclusive practices. At Kincaid, inclusion means that all students are welcomed, invited, accepted, and valued. Principal Zorea said there is a stronger unity between programs due to the willingness and support of the Life Skills team.