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- World Language Incentive Credit
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World Language Incentive Credit
Program Introduction
To encourage more students to begin language study in middle school and high school, the Anchorage School District offers a World Languages Incentive Credit option.
Who qualifies for the World Languages Incentive Credit option?
Students who complete two years of language study while in middle school (courses IA and lB), enroll as ninth-graders in Level II of the same language, and complete both semesters of this year-long course with a grade of "C" or better, are eligible to earn the incentive credit.
How will students receive the World Languages Incentive Credit?
Students request that the graded credit be added to their transcript on the ASD high school Credit-by-Choice application form and submit the form to their counselor.
Will the World Languages Incentive Credit affect overall GPA?
Yes. The incentive credit is one graded credit and will affect GPA and class rank. The credit will count as a one-year elective credit toward graduation requirements.
What other incentives are available to students of World Languages?
- Students may waive the .5 credit social studies requirement by completion of Level III, IV, V, or AP of one or more of the World Languages offered.
- Immersion students may also waive .5 social studies requirement by completion of approved immersion courses.
- Immersion students who have been enrolled in an immersion program, beginning in elementary school and without interruption through middle school and all four years of high school, will earn an Immersion Completion Cord to wear at their high school graduation ceremony.
Frequently Asked Questions
What is the goal of the World Languages Incentive Credit by Choice?
The incentive credit is an option to encourage students to begin their second language study in middle school and continue into a Level II course of the same language in high school.
Which grade is posted on the transcript?
The student's fourth quarter grade from the eighth grade language course is the grade posted on the transcript in the ninth grade year for the Level I course.
Will students still need to complete two years (Levels II and III) at the high school to fulfill college entry requirements?
While there is no ASD requirement, it is recommended that students complete a minimum of 2-3 years language study while in high school. Each college/university has its own set of admission requirements and/or graduation requirements so, it is very important to research this before making the decision to stop language study after Level II.
What is the .5 Social Studies waiver?
ASD Graduation Requirements include 4 credits of Social Studies, .5 of which is a Social Studies elective. Students may waive this .5 credit social studies requirement by the completion of Level III or above of a world language; Immersion students may waive this .5 credit social studies requirement by the completion of approved immersion courses.
Do immersion students and native speaker students qualify to receive the World Languages Incentive Credit?
Although ASD immersion programs are designed as a K-12 continuum with both a middle and high school continuation strand, the district also recognizes that students may have other interests as they enter high school and may choose to no longer pursue the study of their immersion language. The Immersion Incentive Credit allows students who have completed an immersion program through the end of their 8th grade year to bring up one credit through the credit-by-choice option, documenting their K-8 immersion experience on their high school transcript. Immersion students may still apply for this credit even if they remain in the immersion program throughout high school.