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How do I find my bus route information?
Your bus stop details will be communicated via Parent Connect starting December 1. It will no longer reflect a cohort number.
Will JBER receive full bus service?
Yes. The District is prepared to return to full bus service beginning Monday, December 5. The cohort system will dissolve at that time.
How long does it take to train a bus driver?
- It takes about 3-5 weeks to complete the training and that is why there is a little lag in progress.
- A Commercial Driver's License (CDL) is not quite enough to be authorized to drive our students safely. It’s a plus, but it still requires training. There are federal requirements that must be satisfied as well.
- The most urgent thing we can do is hire more bus drivers and bus attendants. With more, we will begin to restore our levels of bus service.
What is the status of the hiring process?
- The District is accepting applications for bus drivers and bus attendants.
Bus attendants ride the bus and assist the bus driver. - Apply here:
- Volunteer positions are available as well.
- The District is accepting applications for bus drivers and bus attendants.
What options do parents have for distance/virtual learning if they can’t get their children to school?
ASD Flex enables students to combine in-person and online learning to create schedules that are flexible, explore new abilities and interests, and offer new levels of opportunity. From family-driven homeschool learning to individual learning plans with online and in-person support, ASD Flex allows families to rethink how their students do school. Visit for more information.
Is it required by law to provide bus services?
Alaska Statute Sec. 14.09.010. Transportation of students.
(a) A school district that provides student transportation services for the transportation of students who reside a distance from established schools is eligible to receive funding for operating or subcontracting the operation of the transportation system for students to and from the schools within the student's transportation service area. Subject to appropriation, the amount of funding provided by the state for operating the student transportation system is the amount of a school district's ADM, less the ADM for the district's correspondence programs during the current fiscal year, multiplied by the per student amount for the school district.
Is it required by law to reimburse families for driving their own students to school?
The District is working on providing financial support. Gas cards will be provided to families in need, and will be distributed by the schools to their school communities. Please contact your individual school for more information.
What can families and the community do to help?
- Spread the word to anyone who might be interested in attaining their CDL and becoming a bus driver. Apply here.
- Families and our community can assist by car-pooling to reduce student pickup and drop-off congestion.
Is ASD excusing absences if students are not able to make it to school due to transportation issues?
Yes, schools will work with families individually who are struggling to find transportation. If a student has an extended period that prohibits them coming to school, online options will also be explored with the student and family to meet their needs.