• Be KidSafe: School bus safety

    At all times...

    • Exercise good manners, caution, and consideration for other people.
    • Follow the directions of the bus driver; his/her primary concern is for your safety.
    • Identify yourself upon request. State both your first name and last name when asked.
    • Students may be assigned a seat by the driver.
    • Students must not have anything in their possession that may cause injury to another.
    • Students eligible for transportation must use the bus stop closest to their home.
    • Students must ride their assigned bus unless they present a note to the driver from their parent/guardian that has been initialed by the principal or his/her designee.
    • Proper classroom behavior is expected of all students while walking to and waiting for the bus.
    • Buses will shut their doors at departure time at school. No tardy students will be allowed to board while the buses are leaving. Students could be injured by buses departing the loading zone.
    • Stay out of the danger zone (15 feet from the bus in all directions) at all times:

    bus safety graphic


Walking to the Bus Stop and Waiting for the School Bus…

    • Respect private property. Do not litter or trespass.
    • Walk on the left side of the road facing traffic.
    • Be at your stop five minutes ahead of time. Your school bus driver has a schedule to keep.
    • Stay a safe distance from the roadway.
    • Students must cross the roadway only in front of the school bus when given the signal to do so by the school bus driver.
    • Be in line when the school bus approaches.
    • Wait to approach the bus until the bus has come to a complete stop, the red lights are on, and the bus driver gives the signal to approach.
    • Stay clear of wheels until the bus has come to a complete stop – don't play or push others.
    • Let smaller children board first.

Boarding the School Bus…

    • Do not push, crowd, or disturb others.
    • Always use the handrail and proceed up the steps one at a time.
    • Go directly to your seat and be seated.
    • No animals of any kind are allowed on the bus.
    • Ice skates must have protective guards on the blades and be placed inside the backpack.
    • Skis, poles, hockey sticks, skateboards, scooters and other sharp edged objects will not be permitted on the school bus.
    • The following musical instruments will not be transported on a school bus: guitars, cellos, baritones, double basses, French horns, trombones, saxophones (tenor & baritone) and drums.

Conduct on the School Bus…

    • Keep the aisle and exits clear.
    • Place backpacks and other gear on your lap.
    • Remain seated until the bus comes to a complete stop and get off only at your regular bus stop.
    • Avoid loud talking, confusion, or anything else that might distract the driver.
    • Never sit in the driver’s seat or interfere with the driver in any manner.
    • Keep quiet near railroad tracks so the driver can listen for trains.
    • Keep head, arms, and body inside the bus.
    • Do not throw objects inside the bus or out of the bus.
    • Eating and drinking is not allowed on the school bus. Chewing, using, or possessing tobacco products or drinking, using, or possessing alcohol, drugs, or controlled substances on the school bus is prohibited.
    • Windows may be opened two clicks only with the permission of the bus driver.
    • Refrain from defacing or damaging the bus and always assist in keeping it clean. Students will be expected to pay for any damage or vandalism of the bus, seats, or any other equipment.
    • All students must be safely seated, facing forward, feet on the floor.
    • In general, all students riding a school bus will observe classroom conduct.
    • The emergency door and exit controls may be used only during supervised drills or actual emergencies.

Sanctions for bus rule violations …

    • All students are expected to behave on the bus in a calm, quiet, safe manner and to abide by bus rules. Students who behave in an unruly and/or unsafe manner on the bus or at the bus stop may receive the following sanctions
    • 1st and subsequent offense
    • warning conference, parent notification
    • suspension of bus privileges
    • revocation of bus privileges
    • detention/work detail
    • suspension from school

    Sanctions range from a warning to suspension from school depending upon the severity. If any offense is sufficiently flagrant, the student’s bus privilege may be revoked at that time for the remainder of the school year, and/or suspension from school at the discretion of the building administrator.

Getting Off the School Bus at the Bus Stop…

    • Remain seated until the bus comes to a complete stop and the door is open. Students may disembark only at their regular bus stop.
    • Use the handrail and take only one step at a time.
    • Remember, pushing, or crowding could cause an accident or injury.
    • After leaving the bus, go directly home or to your assigned place.
    • It is everyone’s responsibility to demonstrate good citizenship by cooperating with your school bus driver at all times so that your parents and school district officials can depend upon safe, timely and efficient pupil transportation to and from school.