- Anchorage School District
- ASD School-Based Medicaid Program
- School-Based Medicaid FAQ for Parents & Guardians
What is Medicaid and CHIP (Children's Health Insurance Program)?
Medicaid and CHIP are programs that help states provide healthcare benefits to children and families who qualify based on income or disability. These programs are administered by the state, with additional funding from the federal government. Denali KidCare is Alaska's primary Medicaid and CHIP program for children from birth through age 18.
What is Medicaid consent? Am I required to sign Medicaid consent?
Medicaid consent allows the school district to share relevant student information with the Alaska Medicaid program to receive reimbursement for eligible services. Signing Medicaid consent is voluntary. Parents have the right to deny consent or revoke a previously signed consent at any time.
Will my Medicaid consent affect the services my child is getting?
No. Your consent only allows the Medicaid program to reimburse your school district for your child's eligible services.
Does my child have to be enrolled in Medicaid to sign the Medicaid consent?
No. The Medicaid consent form is a form that only needs to be signed once while your child is enrolled in the school district, regardless of whether your child is Medicaid-eligible.
Does signing Medicaid consent mean my child is eligible or enrolled in Medicaid?
No. Signing the Medicaid consent form only allows the school to seek Medicaid reimbursement for eligible services provided at times when your child is enrolled in Medicaid. It is not used to enroll your child in Medicaid.
Can my private insurance company also be billed for services provided in the school?
No. No one can bill your private insurance company without your approval. Private insurance companies do not usually cover services provided in schools.
Will signing Medicaid consent and allowing the district to receive Medicaid reimbursement change my child's Medicaid coverage outside of the school setting?
No. Your child's benefits will not be affected by participating in this program.
What kinds of services does the school receive Medicaid reimbursement for?
Medicaid reimbursement for services provided in schools is determined by the mental and physical health services allowed by the state regulations and Medicaid plan, such as Audiology, Speech/Language Therapy, Occupational and Physical Therapy, Behavioral Health, Psychological services, and Nursing services.
Can the school district receive Medicaid reimbursement for my child's services without my consent?
No. Parental consent is required for schools to receive Medicaid reimbursement. If you choose not to sign a consent, your child will continue to receive the same level of services required to meet their needs. In making your decision, here are three important facts to consider:
- When you give your consent, all information about your child will be kept confidential.
- The funds the school district receives will benefit all students.
- Permitting the district to bill the Medicaid program will not affect any of the services your child is currently receiving either in school or out of school.
Why does it matter if the school district receives Medicaid reimbursement? Is this "double-dipping?"
No. The School-Based Services (SBS) Medicaid program is separate from and in addition to any other funding that the school district receives. The SBS Medicaid program is a federal program created to help school districts offset the costs of providing health and related services to meet the academic needs of students.