- Anchorage School District
- Overview & Services
- Special Education Related Services
Special Education
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- Overview & Services
- State of Alaska Notice of Procedural Safeguards
- State of Alaska Special Education Handbook
Related Services
A related service refers to any supportive service that is required to assist a child with disabilities to benefit from special education. If a child does not need special education there can be no related services provided under an IEP since a related service must be necessary in order for the child to benefit from special education.
Some related services, such as speech therapy or adapted PE, might qualify by themselves as special education. In such a case, the child must demonstrate a disability that meets one of the special education eligibility categories (speech impairment, orthopedic impairment, other health impairment) and require specially designed instruction.
Adapted Physical Education
Adapted Physical Education teachers collaborate with regular PE teachers to ensure that children with disabilities can participate in and access the PE curriculum. Adaptive materials and equipment and a modified curriculum may be used depending on the needs of the student. For Adaptive Sports, please contact: David Poulin @ poulin_david@asdk12.org.
Assistive Technology
The Assistive Technology (AT) Department supports school teams in completing Assistive Technology and augmentative communication evaluations. AT consultants serve as a resource for school teams, provide training for devices used in the school setting and assist with equipment acquisition and maintenance. They consult with teams on supporting curriculum with AT and on planning individual student programs. Training for student support is offered in the areas of: augmentative communication, computer access, environmental control, and written expression or alternative writing.
Educational audiologists conduct hearing evaluations, provide management for hearing aids and other assistive listening devices, participate in multidisciplinary team meetings, assist in program placement and counsel families about the educational effects of hearing loss. Services are provided through classroom consultation with teachers.
Blind/Visually Impaired
BVI teachers serve students who have significant visual impairments, and are totally blind or deaf-blind. Direct instruction may include vision skill training, orientation and mobility, adapted academics, Braille, abacus, word processing, pre-vocational/vocational training and personal management. Emphasis is also given to the development of self-help skills, listening skills, daily living activities and leisure/recreational activities. Consultation and monitoring is provided for students who do not require direct instruction. Adaptive equipment and/or specially prepared materials (Brailed or enlarged print, note-taking equipment, communication devices) are provided to students who require them in order to access the curriculum.
Occupational Therapy
Occupational therapists provide direct consult/ collaborative services to special education students, ages 3-21, who need assistance with hand function, oral-motor function, sensory motor skills and accessibility in order to be successful in the school environment. Therapists work collaboratively in school-based teams to ensure each student barrier-free access to and participation in learning.
Physical Therapy
Physical therapists provide direct consultation/ collaborative services to special education students, ages 3 through 21, who need assistance with mobility, positioning, and/or accessibility in order to be successful in the school environment. Therapists work collaboratively in school-based teams to ensure each student barrier-free access to and participation in learning.
Speech-Language Pathologists assess and treat the communication disorders of articulation, language, voice, and stuttering for students aged 3 through 21. Services are provided through direct contact with students and through consultation with teachers and/or parents and include a combination of classroom-based instruction, consultation, and group and individual therapy. Speech pathologists and teaching assistants work collaboratively with the other members of the school team to ensure that students with communication disabilities have full participation in the learning environment and experience academic success. Speech-language staff partner with teachers to support language learning and literacy in the classroom.
Hard of Hearing
Teachers for the hearing impaired provide itinerant services for hard of hearing students at their neighborhood school. Teachers serve students through direct instruction and consultation with regular and special education staff on the ramifications of hearing loss and recommendations of specialized instructional techniques.
Contact Information
Jason Hlasny
hlasny_jason@asdk12.orgLauren Coble
Assistant Director
coble_lauren@asdk12.orgCourtney Spann
Assistant Director
spann_courtney@asdk12.orgAubree Fox
Administrative Assistant
fox_aubree@asdk12.orgJamie Johnson
Administrative Assistant
johnson_jamie@asdk12.orgChar Williams
Administrative Assistant