• High School Graduation Requirements


    A total of 4 credits of English, to include:

    • English I
    • English II
    • English III
    • English IV
      • or 2 semesters of approved English coursework during grade 12.

    For current academic plans and syllabi, please see the teacher or the school's curriculum principal. For course descriptions, see the High School Program of Studies.


    SpringBoard Grades 9-12 High School Scope & Sequence (only 9th & 10 grade in ASD at select schools) SpringBoard by College Board


    English MTSS framework

    Tier 1: Core (see above)

    Tier 2: Reading Apprenticeship for Academic Literacy (RAAL) or Edge C

    Tier 3: Edge B with SIPPS (Systematic Instruction in Phonological Awareness, Phonics, and Sight Words)


    Common substitutions for year-long English classes include:

    • AP Language and Composition
    • AP Literature and Composition
    • AP Seminar (as part of the AP Capstone program - only at Service and South)


    *Course offerings vary. Please contact your child's school for more information on specific courses.

  • About MTSS


    "The Anchorage School District defines the Multi-tiered System of Supports (MTSS) as an integrated, multi-tiered system of instruction, assessment, and intervention designed to meet the academic, social/emotional and behavioral needs of ALL students.  


    The framework is a “way of doing business" which utilizes high quality evidence-based instruction, and assessment practices to ensure that every student receives the appropriate level of support to be successful."