- Anchorage School District
- Overview
Welcome to Anchorage School District
square miles
more than
schools and
Land Acknowledgment:
We acknowledge that we gather here today on the traditional lands of the Dena'ina People of Upper Cook Inlet. For thousands of years, the Dena'ina People have been and continue to be the stewards of this land. ASD is committed to diversity and inclusion, and it is with honor and respect that we recognize all Indigenous people who live and learn in our community.
Our Mission:
In order to meet its mission, Educating All Students for Success in Life, Anchorage School District (ASD) is committed to strategic initiatives and goals. Goals are SMART as they are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, and Timely.
Learn about our Goals and Guardrails
Our Vision: Building the ideal student experience
Student learning, achievement, and lifelong success are the focus of ASD. Within the District, families have many academic choices to meet a variety of student needs. Equitable access and opportunity are keys to building a successful learning path for each student. ASD celebrates our differences and is committed to inclusion of all our community's languages, cultures, and perspectives.
Education plays a vital role in preparing students to become engaged, productive members of our culturally rich community. Our community envisions students empowered by real world experiences with access to educational opportunities within and beyond the walls of school buildings. ASD is boldly committed to transforming how we prepare students for life, college and careers within Alaska and across the globe.
Non-English languages spoken
Most ASD families — 75 percent — speak English at home. The remaining 25 percent speak 100 languages.
Top 5 languages spoken at ASD after English K-12, 2023:
- Filipino
- Hmong
- Samoan
- Spanish
- Yu'pik
Student diversity
A diverse student population provides students the ability to interact with peers from many different backgrounds, expanding their knowledge of other cultures and preparing for life in a global society. Anchorage has the some of the most diverse schools in the U.S. at all levels.
Race and ethnicity
Minority students comprise more than 50 percent of the student population (43,000 students - Oct 2023).
African American: 5%
Alaska Native/American Indian: 10%
Biracial/Multiracial: 16%
Hispanic: 12%
Asian/Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander: 17%
Caucasian: 50% Want to know more about our enrollment? Click here to see the data dashboard.
College, Career and Life Ready for All Students
Offering students maximum academic choices, high school graduates enjoy personal benefits such as better job opportunities, a sense of pride, college opportunities, and higher wages. Our community benefits by having better overall individual health, lower criminal activity, and lower welfare receipts. Learn more about our CCL initiative here.
The Demographics-GIS Services section contains enrollment numbers, race and ethnicity reports, capital improvement plans and school boundary information.
Data Dashboard
At the Anchorage School Board's direction, the District created a public dashboard featuring data on student academic status, attendance, on track for graduation, and behavior/discipline.