- Anchorage School District
- Healthcare Services
- Medications at School
Medications at School
Unless otherwise indicated, all Medication forms expire on June 30th of the current school year and must be renewed on or after July 1st.
Medications must be delivered by the parent/guardian to the school nurse in the original prescription bottle. Sending prescription medication to school with the student is not permitted. The school nurse is responsible for reviewing all medication requests for appropriateness, including those for a field trip or overnight student school travel.
Self Administering Medications
Students are not permitted to self-administer any medication, including common OTCs, while at school and school-sponsored activities, unless authorized to do so by their physician and with approval of the school nurse. Some students are allowed to self-carry and administer emergency medications (inhaler, insulin, epinephrine auto injector) but this must be clearly authorized by the legal prescriber, parent/guardian and nurse on the student’s Care Plan.
OTC Medications
School nurses can administer FDA approved over-the-counter medications with parent/guardian consent (Ibuprofen, Acetaminophen, etc). See Forms for the OTC consent form.
Prescription Medications
School nurses can administer medications that are required during the school day. Prescription medications must be delivered by the parent/guardian to the school nurse in the original prescription bottle. Sending prescription medication to school with the student is not permitted. See Forms for the Prescription consent form.
- Long Term (MEDICAL PRESCRIBER AND PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE REQUIRED) - medications that will be taken for more than 15 days for chronic health conditions (e.g., ADD/ADHD)
- Short Term (PARENT/GUARDIAN SIGNATURE REQUIRED) - medications that will be taken for less than 15 days for acute health conditions (e.g., antibiotics for infections)
Out of District Travel Medications
ASD staff accompanying students during out-of-district travel can provide prescribed and OTC medication to your student. See Forms for the Out of District Travel consent form.