Topics of Interest

  • Bed Bugs


    If a bed bug is found on a student, it may indicate that the student has bed bugs at home. However, bed bugs can crawl onto or off of a person (or their belongings) at any time, so it is also possible that the bed bug was brought to school by someone else. Students are not excluded from school due to bed bugs unless repeated efforts have NOT been made to remedy an infestation.


    Bedbugs are a nuisance, but are not known to spread disease. Learn more about bedbugs and how to protect against them in the handout below.


    Bed Bug Fact Sheet

    Bed Bugs 101 ALL Topics

    State of Alaska Bed Bug Information

    State of Alaska Pesticide Program Bed Bugs

    Bed Bugs for School Kids Flyer

    A Guide to Controlling Bed Bugs in Your Home




    Concussions are a serious concern for students participating in sports. A concussion is a traumatic brain injury. The effects of concussion can be mitigated by prompt recognition and appropriate response. 


    Legal Requirements: A student who has been removed from a practice or game for suspicion of concussion may not return to play until the student has been evaluated and cleared for participation, in writing, by a qualified person who has received training and is currently certified, as verified in writing or electronically by the qualified person, in the evaluation and management of concussions. “Qualified person” means either a health care provider licensed in Alaska, or exempt from licensure; or a person acting at the direction and under the supervision of a physician licensed in Alaska, or exempt from licensure. (AS 14.30.142(d))



    Concussion Fact Sheet and Parent Acknowledgement Form (For sports activities only)

    Concussion Patient Medical Return to Play Release 


    Head Lice


    The American Academy of Pediatrics and the National Association of School Nurses no longer endorse a “No Nits” policy in schools. Exclusion is not an effective tool in reducing lice outbreaks.

    Headlice Policy

    NASN Lice Lessons

    Lice 10 Steps Handout