- Anchorage School District
- Educational Options
- Elementary Alternatives
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About Our Elementary Alternative Schools
Alternative schools at the elementary level include ABC (Anchorage Basic Curriculum) schools that use a back-to-basic approach, Montessori school with a child-centered focus and Open optional schools that recognize individual strengths, needs and interests.
Please contact your school if you have questions about the curriculum or your child’s progress. There are many opportunities for parent involvement.
Search "Elementary Alternative" in our schools list to explore elementary alternative schools. View the map on the right for school locations.
Types of Elementary Alternative Schools
Anchorage Basic Curriculum
ABC Schools embrace a back-to-basic approach to education. Character education, a strong emphasis on citizenship, values, discipline and patriotism make the program unique. Parents, children and staff working together for a common goal characterizes the ABC School.
- Birchwood ABC
- Northern Lights ABC
Correspondence/Home-School/Blended Learning
Flexible blended learning individually developed for your child. Options include collaborative classes, ASD teachers teaching onsite courses, innovative tutoring and online coursework. AKChoice specializes in customizing individual student needs for academic plans that include the ability to utilize neighborhood school classes, athletics and clubs.
International Baccalaureate
The International Baccalaureate (IB) is a global leader in international education—developing inquiring, knowledgeable, confident, and caring young people. Our programmes empower school-aged students to take ownership of their own learning and help them develop future-ready skills to make a difference and thrive in a world that changes fast.
- Inlet View Elementary
Montessori is a child-centered educational approach that holds a view of the child as one who is naturally eager for knowledge and capable of initiating learning in a supportive, thoughtfully prepared learning environment. Components include multi-age groupings, uninterrupted blocks of work time, and guided choice of work activity.
- Denali Montessori School
- Tudor Elementary
Open optional
Open optional schools provide students with a strong foundation in all academic areas. The program recognizes individual strengths, needs and interests, and supports social and emotional growth. Students experience multi-age classrooms, team-teaching, and assessments based on goal-setting, self-evaluations and portfolios rather than traditional report cards.
- Bowman Elementary School
- Chinook Elementary School
- Chugach Optional
- Eagle River Elementary School
- Polaris K-12
- Susitna Elementary School
Science, Technology, Engineering & Math Integration
- Campbell STEM Elementary