- Anchorage School District
- Educational Options
- Qualification & Placement Programs
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About Our Qualification & Placement Programs
Students may only attend these programs through either school recommendation, current life situation or assessment of need. Many of the programs listed below are available through neighborhood schools that also offer a standard curriculum.
Please contact your school if you have questions about the curriculum or your child’s progress.
Search "Qualification" in our schools list to explore ASD's qualification only schools. View the map on the right for school locations.
Types of Qualification & Placement Programs
AK State School for Deaf & Hard of Hearing
AKSDHH provides an educational option for preK-12 deaf and hard of hearing students that fosters and supports the development of both American Sign Language and English.
- Russian Jack Elementary School
- Clark Middle School
- East High School
Creating Successful Futures (CSF)
Creating Successful Futures provides an early intervention for kindergarten through third-grade students whose behaviors are such that a targeted intervention is necessary to change anti-social behaviors to pro-social behaviors.
- Northwood Elementary
Expelled or Incarcerated
These programs are only available for students who meet the requirements for entry into the program, either through long-term suspension, expulsion, or incarceration.
- McLaughlin Secondary
- Step Up
- Outreach
Highly Gifted
The Highly Gifted Program is designed to meet the educational and social/emotional needs of students identified as highly gifted who benefit from academic enrichment beyond what can be provided in a standard school environment.
- Rogers Park Elementary School
- Romig Middle School
- West High School
The IGNITE program is an enrichment-based pull-out program for gifted learners who have met the eligibility criteria under ASD's Plan of Service for Gifted Students. The program is available to students in grades 2-6, offering enrichment opportunities that incorporate universal themes with classroom learning.
- Districtwide
International Baccalaureate
The International Baccalaureate is a rigorous, international K-12 curriculum with a focus on academic rigor, an international perspective and the interrelationship of all knowledge. The IB program develops inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.
- West High
- Inlet View Elementary
Pregnant or Parenting Teens
Crossroads provides a supportive instructional environment which allows students to continue their education while pregnant and/or parenting. A complete program of instruction is provided with an emphasis on core academics. The program uses online instruction in conjunction with traditional coursework to meet the academic needs of students.
Special Education
Special education services are available to eligible students from ages 3 through 21 who experience disabilities and require specially designed instruction. Individual special education programs are cooperatively developed by an individual education planning (IEP) team which includes parents, teachers, administrators and, when appropriate, other specialists.
Emotional and Behavioral Support
These schools coordinate services and programs to serve the needs of students with emotional and/or behavioral issues identified through their Individualized Education Plan.
- Baxter Elementary
- Lake Hood Elementary
- Kasuun Elementary
- Susitna Elementary
- Tyson Elementary
- Whaley Center
Extended Resource
- Chester Valley Elementary
- Homestead Elementary
- Huffman Elementary
- Muldoon Elementary
- Spring Hill Elementary
- Willow Crest Elementary
Life Skills
- Airport Heights Elementary
- Birchwood Elementary
- Creekside Elementary
- Denali Montessori Elementary
- Kincaid Elementary
- Lake Otis Elementary
- Rabbit Creek Elementary
- Begich Middle
- Central Middle
- Clark Middle
- Goldenview Middle
- Gruening Middle
- Hanshew Middle
- Mears Middle
- Wendler Middle
- Bartlett High
- Chugiak High
- Eagle River High
- East High
- Dimond High
- Service High
- South High
- West High
- Williwaw Elementary
Post-Secondary Preparation
Structured Learning Classrooms (SLC)
- WL Bowman Elementary
- Fire Lake Elementary
- Klatt Elementary
- North Star Elementary
- Ptarmigan Elementary
- Williwaw Elementary
- Begich Middle
- Central Middle
- Goldenview Middle
- Hanshew Middle
- Mirror Lake Middle
- Wendler Middle
- Bartlett High
- Eagle River High
- East High
- Service High
- South High
Special Schools
- Bragaw Heights
- Cordova Heights
- DeBarr Heights
- Humphrey Heights
- Jesse Lee
- Maplewood
- McKinley Heights
- Piper Heights
- Providence Heights
- Puffin Heights
- Turning Point Heights