• Sex-Based Discrimination and Sexual Harassment


    Sex-based discrimination and sexual harassment against students of educational institutions is probihited under Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, as well as under other federal and state laws, local ordinance, and school board policy. 


    The Anchorage School District is committed to providing a learning environment that is free from sex-based discrmination and sexual harassment. Prohibited conduct includes but is not limited to unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical harassment that is sexual in nature. 


    Students who experience sex-based discrimination or sexual harassment may file a Student Grievance with the Anchorage School District, or may file a complaint with an external agency.


    For more information, please contact Toni Riley P: 907-742-4132


    File a Student Grievance                             File a Complaint With an External Agency